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The flags are down, the red and yellow uniforms are hanging out to dry along with the iconic quarter cap, and thousands of surf lifesavers can look back with pride after the final weekend of patrols for the 2017/18 season.

After a summer that stretched well into April the cooler conditions were certainly met with some relief for those charged with protecting beachgoers on both the final weekend of the school holidays, and of the season.

Though milder temperatures kept the crowds away there was one thing that was always going to be present – and that was the vigilance and determination of the lifesavers on duty to ensure the safety of everyone at the beach.

From September through to the final hours of patrol on Sunday the 21,000 people who proudly wore the colours gave their all to provide this vital frontline service.

Those members will now get to enjoy a well-deserved break, but some beaches across the state will continue to be patrolled by council lifeguards.

This ensures that there is a presence on the coastline throughout the cooler months with surf lifesaving assets on hand willing and able to assist in any coastal emergency thanks to the dedication of our valued call-out teams.  

Fortunately the final patrol weekend of the season was relatively quiet with no major incidents requiring the intervention of lifesavers.

Across the state lifesavers rounded off their patrols by performing 12 rescues. Of these 8 were carried out in Sydney Branch, 3 along the Far North Coast, and 1 on the Central Coast.

Additionally 3 ambulances were called to beaches to respond to various incidents, and there were 2 calls to the Emergency Callout System.

“I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the efforts of every single one of our lifesavers who have contributed to the movement this season,” said Surf Life Saving NSW CEO Steven Pearce.

“They are a credit to their clubs, their families and themselves. All of them can take pride in a job well done and I hope that we can welcome many of them back on the beach next season after they’ve had a wonderful break and chance to recharge the batteries,” he said.

Volunteer surf lifesavers will return to beaches across New South Wales for the 2018/19 season from late September.

General Beach Safety Tips

  • Always swim between the red and yellow patrol flags, for your nearest patrolled beach check the BeachSafe app or Website

  • Read the safety signs for information about the beach and ask a lifesaver or lifeguard for safety information

  • Always swim with someone else so you can look out for each other, and always supervise children around the water  

  • Never swim under the influence of alcohol or drugs

  • If you need help in the water, stay calm and attract attention by raising one arm

  • In an emergency, dial Triple Zero Police

  • Don’t forget to be sun safe by remembering to: Slip on some protective clothing, Slop on some sunscreen, Slap on a hat, Slide on a pair of sunglasses, Seek some shade and Sip on lots of water to stay hydrated.

  • For information about patrol times, weather, and beach locations visit the Beachsafe Website or Download the App.

Monday 30 April 2018