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Maria Flor Santana De Castro’s dad was a professional lifeguard in Brazil and when the family moved to Australia 13 years ago, he wanted nothing more than for his daughter to have a good experience on the beach and, hopefully, get involved with lifeguarding or Surf Life Saving. 

At just 15, Maria already has her eyes on a job as a professional lifeguard after being welcomed into Shellharbour SLSC and completing her Surf Rescue Certificate (SRC) last year.  

The south coast club prides itself on bringing young locals together to build their confidence in the water, get them outdoors, see friendships flourish and give people a place to belong.  

“I’d seen lifeguards so much in my life, I’ve just always wanted to be one and when I found out I could be a cadet when we moved to Shellharbour, I was so excited,” said Maria.  

 Kate Thomas, the Cadet Captain, was blown away by how the 2023/24 group connected, watching Maria throw every bit of herself into the club’s two-day camp. 

“She was completely new to Surf Life Saving and she came along to our start-of-season cadets camp,” said Kate.  

“Two nights away from home with a bunch of other teenagers she didn’t know, all of whom already knew each other. By the end of the weekend, it was like she’d been part of the group for years! 

“It’s a credit to her confident and friendly nature, but also the welcoming nature of our surf club cadet family.”  

Maria said she went into the camp completely blind but was excited to make new friends on the weekend away.  

“It was such a great weekend at a secret camp spot, and we all just clicked,” she said.  

The weekend was jam-packed with water activities, learning CPR and signals, and just hanging out at the beach. 

After the camp, the group continued their training each week at Shellharbour before being assigned patrol teams as qualified Surf Lifesavers with their SRC awards.  

“Being on patrol was so nice,” said Maria, who admits to loving being out in the bigger-sized surf; catching waves and challenging herself.   

“There are so many different people on each patrol, and everyone is really supportive and happy to help teach you new things and encourage you to stay active.  

“I’m so excited for this season though because we’ll be able to get our Bronze Medallion which means I can start training to get my IRB Crew award and get into the team.” 

And the club couldn’t be more excited to have her.  

“She’s certainly found a place where she belongs,” said Kate.  

“She has made such an impressive impact on our club and has thrown herself into all aspects of club life. Her energy is contagious and we’re so lucky to have her in our cadet program and the surf club.” 

“It’s more than a club,” said Maria. 

“It’s friendships and good times, memories for life and there’s something for everyone.”  

Summer is almost here and all 129 clubs across NSW are gearing up for the start of the new season. (First patrol of the season is Saturday 28 September). Now is the time to get involved. Find a club and get started, there’s something for everyone. Why wait!