To ensure all TAFs who deliver training and education programs continue to meet legislative and organisational requirements, they are required to seek re-endorsement or reappointment through SLSNSW on an annual basis.
TAF Re-endorsement Checklist
The following is a pre-season checklist of requirements for TAF re-endorsement.
Special Notes For...
Bronze Medallion TAFs
Do you have the PUA20119 Certificate II Public Safety (Aquatic Rescue)?
BM TAFs require the current PUA20119 Certificate II Public Safety (Aquatic Rescue) for endorsement/re-endorsement.
BM TAFs with PUA21012 or PUA21010 and a current first aid certificate in their awards list can complete one of the online credit transfer forms linked below to obtain the new Cert II.
BM TAFs with PUA21012 and a current first aid certificate can complete this SLSNSW BM TAF PUA21012 to PUA20119 Credit Transfer Form.
BM TAFs with PUA21010 and a current first aid certificate can complete this SLSNSW BM TAF PUA21010 to PUA20119 Credit Transfer Form.
If you only have PUA21004 or no Certificate II on your awards list, please get in touch with your Branch Director of Education to learn how to transition to the new Cert II.
If you cannot remember which Cert II version you have, you can click here to see your SLS Members Area Awards list.
Have you updated your CPR – HLTAID009?
You can easily update your HLTAID009 during your Branch or Club education meetings using the appropriate SLSA Resuscitation Assessment Portfolio.
Do you have the BM Online Induction Module v2021 in SurfGuard?
BM TAFs are strongly encouraged to complete the BM Online Induction v2021.
This online induction is accessed through the SLSNSW Training Category in the SLS eLearning Library.
Advanced Resuscitation Techniques TAFs
Is your HLTAID015 current?
You can easily renew your HLTAID015 during your Branch or Club Education meetings using the latest Advanced Resuscitation Techniques Assessment Portfolio.
Facilitator Re-appointment
RWC and Training Officer Certificate
As per the SLSNSW Education SOPs, and to ensure that both legislative and quality assurance requirements continue to be met, SLSNSW continues to re-appoint RWC and TOC Facilitators on an annual basis.
Invitations containing Expressions of Interest (EOI) will be released via email to current RWC and TOC Facilitators. The online EOI will take 5-10 minutes to complete.
All EOIs received will be reviewed by a panel consisting of SLSNSW standing committee chairs and SLSNSW staff. This review includes consultation with Branch Directors.
What if I want to deliver RWC or TOC courses?
Click the links below to directly access information about the appointment and re-appointment process for each award:
More information about TAF appointment and re-appointment criteria for these awards can be found in the latest SLSNSW Training and Education Standard Operating Procedures.
If you are interested in delivering these courses, please speak with your Branch Director of Education about commencing the relevant SLSNSW appointment process.
What if I want to deliver First Aid Courses for the ALA?
Check out the SLSNSW Work for Us webpage to see what current full-time and casual job opportunities are currently available to become a ‘ALA Trainer’.
What support is available?
Your first point of contact for support is always your club Chief Training Officer (CTO).
Your CTO is supported by your Branch Director of Education (DoE) and Branch Administrator who also support TAFs in relation to training and education matters within your local region.
The SLSNSW Training and Education Team is also available to support you, TAFs, CTOs, and DoEs across NSW.
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Contact the SLSNSW Education Team