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In the 115+ years since our inception in 1907, Surf Life Saving NSW has evolved as an organisation and we continue to build on our reputation for admirable service delivery and caring for our communities.

Our reach now extends well beyond the flags with our traditional patrols being enhanced through Rescue Services including Inflatable Rescue Boats, Offshore Rescue Boats, Rescue Water-Craft (RWC), Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) surveillance and mobilisation of club call-out teams to provide a more comprehensive level of services to the public.

We have 129 clubs and 11 branches covering the entire coastline of New South Wales. At Surf Life Saving NSW (SLSNSW) our role is to assist in coordinating and supporting the work of our frontline Surf Lifesavers by providing an emergency management framework that will build on the outstanding work to date and provide ongoing pathways for member development.

Our emergency management vision is twofold. Firstly, to enhance coastal safety strengthening our Surf Lifesaving objective of Zero Preventable Deaths. And secondly, to ensure effective and consistent operations outside the flags.

The following documents provide more detail in the SLSNSW Emergency Management Framework and 2028 Service Delivery Road Map:


Full Framework and Road Map

Operational Service Delivery Model

As an organisation our reputation for providing professional and capable emergency response has been well-earned and has solidified over the past number of years since becoming an official Emergency Service Organisation (ESO) in 2018. As we move forward we need to ensure we continue to align with our partner ESOs, local government and other non-government organisations. As a team we must ensure that we meet Commonwealth and State legislation and compliance and align to emergency management ‘all hazards all agencies’ arrangements. We need to have effective interoperability with other emergency service agencies and implement an Operational Capability / Continual Improvement framework, as our support of the community and other agencies is no longer confined to the coastline.