What are the time frames for processing awards?
- Credit transfer requests are processed within 7 days of receipt by SLSNSW. Members can use the SLSNSW Credit Transfer Request Form to submit a request to the SLSNSW Training and Education Team or simply email your name, membership number and Statement of Attainment showing the units achieved to education@surflifesaving.com.au
- Nipper and SLSA Member Education awards are allocated weekly, then printed and/or engraved externally at the end of each month. Allow 2+ weeks after the end of the month for printed certificates and medallions to arrive by mail. If your club has opted for emailed Nipper or SLSA awards they will be emailed directly to members within 7 days of award allocation.
- Statements of Attainment containing units of competency are emailed directly to members within 7 days of award allocation.
- Service awards are processed and printed at SLSNSW during the third week of the month. This includes Long Service awards, TAF service certificates, Officiating, Coaching & Age Manager service certificates. More information about Service awards is available here; noting most can be applied for easily via the Members Area. Allow 1-2 weeks for them to arrive by mail.
- National Patrol Service, National Medal and National Clasp awards are processed and distributed by SLSA and are easily applied for via the SLSA Members Area. More information about National service awards and timing is available here.
Any tips for processing Nipper awards?
- Before the season begins clubs need to advise SLSNSW of their preference for electronic or printed certificates. If your club is using the SLSA Nipper Module, you will also need to advise us if your club will be processing the certificates instead of SLSNSW.
- For each age group you need to complete:
- A Proficiency Assessment Request for a Preliminary Skills Evaluation
- A Proficiency Assessment Request for a Competition Skills Evaluationif juniors are going to compete at a branch or state surf sports event
- A New Award Assessment Request in Surfguard OR enter participants via the SLSA Nipper module for their respective Junior Surf Award
- Please allow up to 2 months to receive printed certificates, or 2 weeks for electronic distribution, once they have been received for processing by SLSNSW.
- More information about junior awards is available on the SLSNSW Junior Activities (‘Nippers’) webpage.
How do I raise assessment requests for the SRC to BM Transition Program?
The following steps summarise those contained within SLSA Circular 46/21-22 Transitioning from Surf Rescue Certificate to Bronze Medallion.
- Receive an SRC to BM Transition Application Formfrom the course participant to confirm their eligibility to complete the transition program, including having completed their SRC within the last 3 years.
- Raise two new assessment requests in Surfguard for members eligible for SRC to BM transition:
Part 1
Raise a new assessment ID to recognise that the member meets the eligibility criteria and has kept their prior learning current through at least 10 hours on patrol within the last 12 months.
- Assessment Type = RCC/RPL
- Award Type = AQFT
- Award = SRC to BM RPL module
Part 2
Raise a new assessment ID to assess the remaining units of competency, PUA20119 Certificate and SLS Bronze Medallion.
- Assessment Type = Award
- Award Type = SLSA Education
- Award = Bronze Medallion
- Units of competency selected = Remove PUASAR012 + PUASAR013 + PUAOPE013
- Comments (example) = SRC to BM Transition Part A Assessment ID is XXXXXX
These members must satisfactorily complete the following BM/Cert II assessment tasks to achieve competency:
- 1 (Part 4-10)
- 4-5
- 8-10
- If you have members who are part of the same BM course but are not eligible for SRC – BM Transition you will need to raise a separate assessment ID:
- Assessment Type = Award
- Award Type = All Award Types
- Award = Bronze Medallion (equivalent award PUA20119)
- Units of competency selected = All
These members must satisfactorily complete all BM/Cert II assessment tasks to achieve competency.
How do I raise a First Aid assessment request in Surfguard if the member already holds a First Aid award?
If a member already holds a SLSA First Aid award you will need to enter two Assessment requests; one to renew their Units of Competency and one to extend their existing SLSA award proficiency.
Part 1
To renew their Units of Competency:
- Assessment Type = Award
- Award Type = AQTF Module
- Award = Provide First Aid [2021]
- Units of competency selected = HLTAID011, HLTAID010 and HLTAID009
Part 2
To extend the proficiency date of their SLSA First Aid award:
- Assessment Type = Proficiency
- Award Type = SLSA Education
- Award = First Aid
Proposed Assessment Date = same as Part 1 assessment
What do I do if a member already has a BM but no Cert II Public Safety (Aquatic Rescue)?
After undertaking a full assessment and/or any gap training, a separate Assessment request will need to be created to award the Cert II only.
- Award Type = AQTF Qualification
- Award = Certificate II in Public Safety (Aquatic Rescue) (PUA20119)
- Create a Proficiency assessment for the Bronze Medallion to match the date of the Cert II
What do I do if I cannot add a TAF or a participant to an Assessment ID?
If course participants, or a TAF, do not appear when creating a new assessment, check that they meet the Surfguard prerequisites, including minimum age, to be included in an assessment and/or allocated an award.
You can do this by selecting Check from the Education menu in Surfguard.
If a participant or TAF still cannot be added after checking the cause, advise your Club Chief Training Officer or Branch Director of Education who can assist you to investigate the matter further.
- Both the trainer and assessor fields in Surfguard require an entry. A facilitator run course should have the facilitator listed in both fields.
- If you would like more information, please click here to be directed to the Surfguard User Guide.
What might you expect to see in assessment request comments?
The following are examples of communications utilising the Assessment comments section in Surfguard:
- Communications from SLSNSW advising why an Assessment ID is pending approval, e.g., name of Trainer or Assessor missing, waiting on documentation to be provided.
- The name of any Probationary TAF
- The name of any TAF Mentor
- An Assessment ID related to a SRC to BM Transition Module assessment request
- Any comments requested by the TAF to be noted
How is eLearning report access provided?
SLSNSW Trainers, Assessors and Facilitators with a current ‘LMS Access’ award in Surfguard can view the SLS eLearning Platform’s Report Menu. CTOs have automatic administration access to the eLearning portal. All other members of a SLS Club Education Team require authorisation from their CTOs to protect member privacy.
SLS Clubs and Branches can allocate this award in Surfguard (or extend its 12-month proficiency) by raising the appropriate assessment request in Surfguard.
First-time allocation:
Assessment type: Award
Assessment type: Other
Award: LMS Access
Assessment type: Proficiency (or Bulk Proficiency)
Assessment type: Other
Award: LMS Access
To learn more about the different SLS eLearning report options, please refer to the latest SLSA eLearning Reporting Guide.
How do members access the PSAR35 training manual?
Due to ongoing issues with the SLS Publications App, SLSA has moved the PSAR35 (Bronze Medallion) manual to a new online platform. The new online version of the manual is open access, free of charge and accessible in a number of ways.
More Information